Accessibility Statement for º¬Ðß²ÝÑо¿ÊÒ

º¬Ðß²ÝÑо¿ÊÒ strives to ensure that our campus experiences and spaces - including, but not limited to: buildings, digital spaces, transportation, parking areas, events, course materials, and policies - are accessible and free of barriers.
We believe that creating accessible and inclusive environments, physical and digital, is a shared responsibility and a matter of social justice.
Two offices work together to ensure equal access for disabled individuals in our º¬Ðß²ÝÑо¿ÊÒ community - the Office for Campus Accessibility and the Goldman Center for Student Accessibility. 
The Office for Campus Accessibility is responsible for: 

  • Digital Technology
  • Workplace accommodations for faculty and staff
  • Facilities/physical access
  • Accessible events and meetings
  • ADA/504/Section 508 compliance

To request workplace accommodations or report digital accessibility concerns:
Office for Campus Accessibility – Email: | Website:
The Goldman Center for Student Accessibility is responsible for:

  • Student accommodations
  • Self-advocacy
  • Disability-related learning support
  • Accommodated testing in the Goldman Testing Center
  • Communication access
  • Assistive technology 

To request STUDENT accessibility accommodations: 
Goldman Office for Student Accessibility –

We typically respond to accessibility concerns and feedback via e-mail within 3-5 business days. If you do not receive a reply within 7 business days, please contact us directly at 504-247-1751.